Preparing For The GDPR In Social Housing
As the 25th May 2018 edges closer and closer, we here at Data Protection People have been busy making sure that everyone is up to speed and in the midst of getting fully compliant with the GDPR. One major event occurring the last day of January saw us open up our offices in the Round Foundry in Leeds to host a conference for Housing Associations on Preparing for the General Data Protection Regulation. Representatives from 32 different housing associations from across the country were in attendance to brainstorm how the Housing sector can best prepare for the GDPR with presentations given by Andrew Rose, Senior Policy Officer of the ICO, amongst others.
The day began with a presentation given by Adrian Leung who represents Catalyst Housing Association London and Southeast who spoke of a “People centric approach to data protection”. Of particular note in his presentation was his detailing of a rap video about data protection which Catalyst had encouraged its employees to write and record. This was subsequently passed around the company for employees to enjoy and illustrated creative and fun ways in which employees can get behind data protection.
The second presentation came from none other than our very own Phil Brining who ditched the rap in favour of giving an “Overview of the GDPR and what makes it different from the DPA 1998”. In this presentation Phil spoke about the major differences which he saw between the new legislation and how they would impact upon the Housing sector and its business practices.
This was followed by a presentation by Andrew Rose of the ICO who built on what Phil said and offered his guidance on preparing for and complying with the GDPR, with the representatives eager to hear what an ICO representative could offer when it came to compliance. In his presentation Andrew spoke of a willingness for the ICO to attend conferences such as this across different industries as they allowed a coming together of like-minded individuals and provide the ICO with better outreach in getting their message out.
The final presentation of the day was given by Andrew Latham of Capsticks Solicitors LLP. His presentation focused on putting the GDPR into context. In this presentation Andrew focused on translating the GDPR from the statute books to everyday business practice.
Representations were invited to a Q&A following each individual session, alongside a combined Q&A at the end of all the presentations so that they could get their questions across to our experts.
After lunch the group was split into two and various workshops were delivered by our experts. Andrew Rose delivered workshops on “Privacy Impact Assessments and Information Risk Management” and “Information Rights under GDPR”, whilst Andrew Latham gave a workshop on “Primary Legal GDPR Compliance Concerns”. Phil was responsible for delivery a workshop entitled “What Kinds of New Records are you Going to have to Maintain under the GDPR”.
We would like to thank Stephanie Vasey of Hanover Housing Association and Audrey Olden of First Wessex Housing Association for helping to organise the event alongside all of the speakers who delivered stellar presentations and informative workshops. Final thanks to all the representatives of the various Housing Associations who attended the day.