AI & It’s Impact On Privacy

Joe Kirk, Jasmine Harrison, Philip Brining and Special Guest Rebecca Balebako

Delve into the complex relationship between AI and data privacy with our latest episode! We explore the potential benefits and risks of AI, how it can be exploited, and strategies for building secure software with privacy in mind.

AI And Its Potential Impact On Privacy

Data Protection Made Easy: AI & Privacy

Did you miss our lively discussion on AI and Privacy? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

On May 24th, the Data Protection Made Easy community hosted a captivating session exploring the potential risks and benefits of AI for data privacy. We were thrilled to welcome special guest Rebecca Balebako, a privacy engineer with experience at Google and the founder of Baebako Privacy Engineers.

Rebecca, along with our regular hosts Joe Kirk, Jasmine Harrison, and Philip Brining, delved into a thought-provoking conversation. Key topics included:

  • The Two Sides of the Coin: Exploring how AI can both enhance and threaten privacy in different scenarios.
  • Exploiting the Risks: Understanding how malicious actors could exploit AI to invade user privacy.
  • Building Secure Software: Strategies for organizations to develop AI and software with data privacy at the core.

Join the Conversation

Even if you couldn’t join the live session, you can still benefit from the valuable insights and expertise shared. Head over to the Spotify player embedded at the top of this page to listen to the full episode and gain a deeper understanding of AI and its impact on data privacy.

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