GDPR Radio – Episode 99
Click on the player below to listen to our hosts Phil and David as they discuss the news of the week from the world of Data Protection.

GDPR Radio – Robots, Punycode & Homoglyphs
On this week’s episode of the Data Protection Made Easy Podcast our hosts, Phil Brining and David Holmes join our amazing community of Data Protection Practitioners live to discuss the news of the week, sharing their views and opinions with our audience.
We had a jam-packed week of news today, with discussions on robots addressing the house of lords, processing activities and how to improve them, updates from the Information Commissioners Office, International Transfers and much more.
If you would like to sign up for future episodes of the Data Protection Made Easy Podcast, visit our events page and sign up for any of the brilliant events we have on the horizon, in particular, next week’s event where we will be welcoming award-winning trainer and
Links from today’s episode:
Homoglyph Attack Generator
ICOs Monetary Penalty Notice Update
Stephenson Harwood Data Protection Update
New public consultation launches into UK’s proposed data legislation
Rowenna Fielding’s Schrems II Flowchart
Schrems-II-flowchart-final.pdf (
Dropbox discloses breach after a hacker stole 130 GitHub repositories
Driver v Crown Prosecution Service
High Court Not The Appropriate Forum for Low-Value Data Protection Claims
Fine for processing students’ fingerprints imposed on a school