Episode 24: GDPR Radio – News & Views

Click the player above to listen to our latest recording of GDPR Radio, where our top consultants Oliver Rear, Philip Brining and David Holmes join our growing community of Data Protection Practitioners to discuss the news of the week, share their views and opinions.

DPP have been running these sessions for just over a year and we are extremely proud of the community we have built, we now have over 750 subscribers who tune in week in week out and we are currently the #1 Data Protection Podcast on Apple Music and Spotify with over 3,000 regular listners. We have loved putting these sessions together and we’re not slowing down any time soon, if you have topic ideas or challenges you would like to discuss during future sessions, reach out to one of the team.

GDPR Radio is completely FREE to join and anyone is welcome to get involved, if you would like to receive an invite for this event or join our growing list of Data Protection practitioners who tune in every week, please email: [email protected] or connect with Rob Wilkinson, Brian Green, Joe Kirk or Temitope Bankole.

If you would like to listen back to previous episodes of our podcast where we cover a range of different topics including SARs, FoIA, Age Appropriate Design and much more, click below.