Sharing and Controlling Access

Sharing and Controlling Access
During this weeks session our hosts Phil, Dave and Oli were joined by Barry Moult, David Willis and Dean Ayres 3 experienced practitioners from the healthcare sector to share advise
During this session, we discussed a number of different topics including:
- Risk Management
- Governance Frameworks
- Data Sharing
- Avoiding Disrepute
If you enjoyed this weeks session join us next week for our final event of 2021!
This time last year we had 5 available episodes of Data Protection Made Easy and under 150 subscribers.
As we approach the end of 2021 we have 53 available episodes, 800+ subscribers and the number #1 Data Protection Podcast on Apple Music and Spotify!
From the whole team here at DPP, we would like to thank everyone who has supported this community over the last year, whether you have joined one of our sessions live or listened over Spotify or Apple Music. We hope this community continues to grow and support each other long into the future.
We are going to be celebrating by selecting one of our listeners to receive 10 hours of free Data Protection Support worth over £1000, all you have to do is like this status and join us live next Friday so I can put your name in the hat!
If you would like to subscribe to ‘Data Protection Made Easy’ get in touch with one of the team or email [email protected]
If you would like to tune in and listen back to previous episodes where we cover a wide range of topics including SARs, DPIAs, Training and much more follow this link: